Application Form for Admission
Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
姓 名 Full name |
国 籍 Nationality |
性 别 Sex |
出生日期 Birthdate |
婚 姻Marriage |
出生地点 Birth Place |
身份证号码/护照号码 ID Card No./Passport No. |
通讯地址Mailing Add. |
电 话 Tel. |
传 真 Fax |
原有学历及专业 Education Background & Major |
毕业学校 Graduated from |
申请学习专业 Major of applying |
学 制 Schooling Period |
起止时间 Starting and Completing |
经费来源 Financial Supporting |
自费□ 公费□ 奖学金□ self-supporting Government-supporting Scholarship |
学生类别 Type of student
本科生 Undergraduate □ |
硕士研究生 Master Candidate □ |
博士研究生 Doctorate Candidate □ |
进修生 Short-term trainee □ |
学校意见 (only for university) |
College’s opinion on enrollment of the applicant |
备 注 Remarks |